Mark your calendars for World Teachers' Day 2025 to take your hats off to teachers and get ready to celebrate the superheroes of learning!
Every year in October, young people and parents honour teachers all around the globe on World Teachers' Day for the incredible job they do every day in shaping young minds and building our future.
You'll learn when World Teachers' Day is held internationally and when Teachers' Day is celebrated across Australia below.

What is World Teachers Day?
World Teachers' Day (also known as International Teachers Day) recognises the important role of teachers in providing communities with quality education. It also gives us an opportunity to celebrate and thank the teachers in our lives.
UNESCO established it in 1994, and it is celebrated internationally on 5 October each year.
Since International Teachers Day coincides with the September school holidays in many Australian states, Australia celebrates World Teachers' Day on the last Friday in October.
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When is Teachers' Day in Australia?
Teachers' Day 2024: Friday, 25 October 2024
Teachers' Day 2025: Friday, 31 October 2025
World Teachers' Day 2026: Friday, 30 October 2026
Teachers' Day 2027: Friday, 29 October 2027
World Teachers' Day 2028: Friday, 27 October 2028
Why is Teachers Day celebrated?
Teachers' Day is a special day to honour and appreciate teachers for their important role in our communities and for the positive impact they make in shaping the lives of their students.
It's a chance to recognise their commitment, hard work and dedication to teaching us from very early years at kindergarten to academic subjects at university and helping us grow as individuals.
The Teachers Day celebration reminds us of the significance of teachers and education, highlighting the need for every child to have a quality education.
It's also a chance to bring attention to the working conditions of teachers, advocate for better standards in the teaching profession and make the education system stronger.

When is International Teachers' Day?
International Teachers' Day (World Teachers' Day) is celebrated annually on 5 October. This day was established by UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) in 1994 to acknowledge teachers' role in society and honour the contributions they make to education and development.
It commemorates the anniversary of signing the 1966 UNESCO/ILO Recommendation about the Status of Teachers. This standard-setting instrument addresses the status and situations of teachers around the world.
International Teachers Day 2024: 05 October 2024 (Saturday).
Who inaugurated World Teachers' Day?
World Teachers' Day was inaugurated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1994. This special day was established to recognise the role of teachers in society and to honour their contributions to education and development.
Teacher Appreciation Week Australia
There are two important celebrations when Australia honours the superheroes of learning: World Teachers' Day and Australian Teacher Aide Appreciation Week.
What is Teacher Appreciation Week in Australia?
Teacher Appreciation Week in Australia coincides with World Teachers Day, which is celebrated across Australia on the last Friday in October.
During this event, the NEiTA Foundation and the Australian Scholarships Group honour excellent and inspirational teachers who work in childcare and schools with their community-based National Excellence in Teaching Awards (NEiTA).
NEiTA Foundation is a community-based awards program that recognises and rewards exceptional and inspirational teachers in Australia and New Zealand.

What is Australian Teacher Aide Appreciation Week?
Australian Teacher Aide Appreciation Week is a special annual week-long celebration held in the last week of August to recognise the important work teacher aides do in schools.
It's the perfect opportunity for schools to show gratitude and recognition to teacher aides for their positive impact on the lives of students, teachers, and families.
This celebration involves various activities like receiving thank-you messages and small gifts from students and school, organising morning teas and bringing new initiatives.
When is Teacher Appreciation Week in Australia?
World Teachers' Day 2024: Friday, 25 October 2024.
Australian Teacher Aide Appreciation Week 2024: Monday, 26 August 2024 - Friday, 30 August 2024.
How do you celebrate Teacher Aide Appreciation Week?
This is how schools might celebrate Australian Teacher Aide Appreciation Week:
create certificates of appreciation to award at assemblies,
feature teacher aide success stories in newsletters,
display a photo collage of the teacher aide team with a space for 'Thank You' notes,
invite students to write a note of appreciation to their teacher aides,
host a special morning tea, lunch or after-school party.
Teacher Appreciation Week 2025 ideas
Celebrating World Teachers Day can involve various activities to help recognise and appreciate the vital role teachers play in education and student development. Here are some ideas for Teacher appreciation week 2025:
Showing Appreciation: Schools can encourage students to show their appreciation and gratitude to their teachers using simple gestures like sending thank-you notes, emails, or small gifts.
Organising Special Events: Private and public schools can organise special events at school to recognise teachers' hard work and passion. For example, an assembly, a special morning tea, or an awards ceremony.
Public Recognition and Tributes: Schools can share success stories in school newsletters, local news and newspapers, and on social media channels. For example, Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (@aitsl) encourages communities to admire Australian teachers on social media. You can use the official #WTD2024 hashtag this year to support their mission!

Involving Wider Communities: Schools can involve the wider community in the Teacher Appreciation Week celebration to show additional support for teachers. For example, parents, local businesses, and other community members. For example, the Victorian Department of Education and Training (@DETVic) encourages you to share your stories about a teacher who has made an impact on your life using the #thanksvicteachers hashtag on social media.
Offering Professional Development Opportunities: Schools can offer professional learning activities like workshops and seminars to help teachers with their professional development.
Encouraging Fun Classroom Activities: Schools can incorporate fun learning activities to allow students to understand the important role of teachers and education.
Some images in this article were generated by Midjourney. The images are for illustrative purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice or judgment.